25 SEP 2016
Preventing Nasty Hamster Cage Smells
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Hamsters | Carefresh | Bedding | Gerbils
Hamsters can make great pets because they're cute, interactive, easy to care for, and fun to watch. One of the drawbacks of having a rodent as a pet, however, is managing odours of both the pet and its habitat. It's usually his urine that stinks so bad. If the smell of your pet hamster's urine is the first thing you notice when you enter the room you keep him in, chances are you need to change how you are taking care of your pet. Hamsters are not smelly animals -- they're super-clean -- but their cages can develop a serious odour problem if you aren't taking measures to keep bad smells at bay. You can minimize unpleasant smells by understanding the different bedding and substrate options and maintaining an appropriate and effective weekly cleaning schedule of the cage. Normal Urine Odours Urinating is one of your hamster's way of removing waste from his body. Urine is a sterile fluid that primarily contains water along with various salts, minerals, toxins, sugar.. [More] hamstersmells.jpg
Tags : Preventing Nasty Smells From Hamster Cage South Africa Comment 0 Comments
18 MAR 2015
Keeping Your Hamsters Fit & Healthy
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Hamsters | Pet Inn | Pet Care
Hamsters are naturally energetic and inquisitive animals who benefit from exercise and play. A bored hamster with no way to burn calories may become lethargic, irritable or destructive. Supplying your hamster with toys and exercise equipment is an essential part of keeping him healthy. Benefits of Exercise Running around helps alleviate boredom, preventing your hamster from developing bad behavior such as excessive or destructive chewing. A bored hamster is going to be more likely to chew on his cage and destroy various toys and items within the living enclosure. A hamster who is not getting adequate exercise may be irritable or difficult to handle. If your hamster cannot exercise for extended periods of time, he may gain a significant amount of weight, which can cause other health problems to develop. Exercise Wheel An exercise wheel is an essential piece of equipment for your hamster's quality of life. Hamsters get in their wheels and run in place. Every hams.. [More] hamsterinsideball.jpg
Tags : Keeping Your Hamsters Fit & Healthy in South Africa , Hamster Exercise Wheel South Africa , Hamster Ball South Africa , Hamster Cage South Africa , Hamster Food South Africa Comment 0 Comments
11 MAR 2015
Cleaning Your Hamster’s Cage
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Cages | Hamsters | Pet Care
How Often Do You Need to Clean Your Hamster’s Home? Most pets, just like most people, need their homes cleaned about once a week. But that doesn’t mean you can ignore your hamster’s home the other six days of the week. You should take a moment to spot clean the bathroom and do the dishes every day. When you feed your pets, remove the food bowl from you hamster’s home and empty it of leftovers. This is especially important if you’ve given them any fresh treats. Wipe the bowl with a tissue or paper towel before refilling it. And, while you’re there, you may want to scoop out visible debris in the bathroom area. Don’t forget to refresh the shavings here if you take some out. What Goes into a Weekly Clean? The most important part of cleaning your pet’s home is making sure your hamster (or hamsters, as they prefer) is secured. Exercise balls are a great way to do this, but as long as your hamster can’t escape.. [More] hamstersittingincage.jpg
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21 FEB 2015
Gerbils Love To Live It Up In Style
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Care | Gerbils
Gone are the days when you could pick up a simple cage for your gerbils and call it home. Indeed, those homes were never fit for your pets. Your pets deserve a gerbilarium, which is a lot closer to penthouse living than a simple cage could ever be. A gerbilarium consists of a wire cage-like structure on top of a plastic tub filled with wood shavings. So, it may look ordinary until you factor in the different internal levels and areas in this home. Gerbils love to dig, so the lower layer can (and should) be quite deep, and filled with shavings. On top of that, a couple of different levels, joined with fun climbing ramps and ladders and some snuggly areas to hang out make a gerbilarium home. Finally, gerbils are super fast. Make sure you can secure your pets’ home, or they’ll make a dash to discover what else you’ve got hiding in your house. What Else Makes a Gerbilarium Home? Having a gerbilarium is just the first step to health and happiness. N.. [More] gerbilwhiskers.jpg
Tags : Gerbils Love to Live It up in Style , Gerbil Home South Africa , Hamster Cage South Africa , Pet Rat Cage South Africa , Gerbil Cage South Africa Comment 0 Comments
23 SEP 2014
What Time Is Breakfast For Hamsters?
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Hamsters | Pet Care
It is easy to fall in love with a hamster, isn’t it? Sure, they’re not the most social creatures, especially when it comes to interacting with their human owners (though you can overcome this with enough contact with your pets). But, hamsters are just so little, adorable, inquisitive and busy. And that makes them a bundle of fun to watch. If only they shared more waking hours with us, right? But, no matter how small these pets are, they still need regular care just as any larger animal would do. And, once you’ve filled their cage with plenty of interesting activities and snuggly places to sleep, then it’s time to worry about what your wonderful little hamsters need to eat. So, Just What Do Hamsters Eat? Hamsters eat the food that comes in packets with their name on it, right? Well, yes, though you should probably get a little more specific than that if you want to be the best hamster owner possible. For a start, it’s essential to not.. [More] cutedwarfhamsters.jpg
Tags : What Time Is Breakfast For Your Hamsters , Hamsters South Africa , Hamster Food South Africa , Hamster Cage South Africa Comment 0 Comments
15 JUN 2014
Getting Rid Of Hamster Odour
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Hamsters | Pet Care
Your hamster may have stolen your heart even before you brought him home, but before long, you may not want to take a whiff of air near his cage. It's usually his urine that stinks so bad. If the smell of your pet hamster's urine is the first thing you notice when you enter the room you keep him in, chances are you need to change how you are taking care of your pet. Hamsters are not smelly animals -- they're super-clean -- but their cages can develop a serious odour problem if you aren't taking measures to keep bad smells at bay. Normal Urine Odours Urinating is one of your hamster's way of removing waste from his body. Urine is a sterile fluid that primarily contains water along with various salts, minerals, toxins, sugars and various compounds. The odour of hamster urine is typically weak, but the smell becomes more noticeable depending on what your hamster has been consuming, whether he is suffering from medical problems and whether you clean his cage as you should... [More] control smells in hamster cage.jpg
Tags : How to Control Odors in Hamster Cages , Controlling Hamster Cage Odours , Bad Smelling Hamster Cages , Getting Rid Of Hamster Odour Comment 0 Comments
14 JUN 2014
Finding The Right Hamster Cage
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Cages | Hamsters | Rotastak | Pet Inn
There is a huge variety of hamsters cages on the market, but not all cages are created equally. Most of the cages that are sold as 'hamster cages' are actually suitable for dwarf hamsters and don't provide enough floor space for the larger species of syrian hamster, or have components that aren't safe for a larger hamster. A cage is the most important investment you'll make for your hamster, so you want to choose wisely. There are various hamster housing options, each with pros and cons. To find the right one for your hamster, consider factors such as species type, safety, maintenance, budget, and above all, size. A rule that you must always follow: Syrian hamsters cannot be housed together! They are territorial, solitary animals and will fight and inflict serious wounds to each other if not kept apart. They can, however, be kept near each other in separate housing. Dwarf hamsters MIGHT be kept together in same-sex housing. Size it up In the wild, hamsters h.. [More] types of hamster cages.jpg
Tags : Choosing Best Hamster Cage , Hamster Cages South Africa , Types Of Hamster Cages , Finding The Right Hamster Cage Comment 0 Comments
04 JUN 2014
Hamster Ball Racing
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Small Animal Toys | Pet Accesories | Hamsters
Hamster racing is a sport in which hamsters are placed in hamster wheels or hamster balls, often fitted to miniature racing vehicles, and raced down a straight 9 meter course. The hamster crossing the finish line in the shortest amount of time wins. According to a 2001 media report, the world-record time for this course setup is 38 seconds. Events may feature as few as two hamsters or many teams of hamsters and human pit crews. Hamster balls may be simple spheres or feature many design modifications purported to increase the performance and style of the race vehicle. In the United Kingdom, gamblers can place bets on the outcome of hamster races through online bookmakers. Professional racing In 2001, an epidemic of foot and mouth disease caused the cancellation of some British horse races and other sporting events. To boost their lagging bookmaking incomes, betting agencies introduced and promoted the concept of professional hamster racing. Online bookmaker Blue Squa.. [More] hamster ball racing.jpg
Tags : Hamster Ball Racing , Hamsters South Africa , Buy Hamster Cage Online South Africa , Hamster food Comment 0 Comments
30 MAY 2014
Create Perfect Hamster Home
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Cages | Hamsters | Rotastak
Create the perfect hamster home with Rotastak hamster cages! These cages are vivid and colourful, making them the ideal choice for younger hamster owners that want much more than a standard hamster cage! The brilliant thing about Rotastak hamster cages though, is that you can buy a whole range of add ons and extras to create your very own hamster paradise that your small pet will love – they’re suitable for gerbils and mice too. So what are the necessities of a hamster cage? Rotastak hamster cages provide everything your hamster needs to be happy and healthy: a water bottle, separate sleeping area, facilities to exercise and a main room where your hamster can scurry around and hide food as they would in the wild.          So when you buy a Rotastak hamster cage you already have everything you need to provide the perfect home for your hamster. Now you’re free to expand it as you want! With tunnels, .. [More] rotastak home3.jpg
Tags : Create Perfect Hamster Home , Rotastak hamster cage , Buy Hamster cage in South Africa , buy hamster cage online South Africa Comment 0 Comments
23 APR 2014
New Pet Inn Vetro Plus Cages
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Cages | Hamsters | Pet Inn | Rats and Mice | Degus | Gerbils
Looking for a cage that'll ensure your hamster feels truly at home? We've got a fantastic range to choose from, including brightly coloured options in a range of sizes. You'll also find plenty of different shapes on offer, from classic rectangle hamster cages to fun compartmental cages with interconnecting tunnels. Pet Inn has launched a new range of hamster cages, called Vetro Plus Nature, which is a two-level cage that combines the traditional wire mesh cage technology with a glass bottom tray.   The transparent glass bottom section allows you to observe the activities of your hamster all the time. The glass tray is quite high and can contain a thick layer of bedding, in which the hamster can hide itself following its natural instincts. This also prevents dirt being kicked out from the cage, so the surrounding area around the cage, will always be clean. The top mesh wire section with 7mm spacing between the bars provides adequate ventilation for your pet. This .. [More] Vetrocageblog.jpg
Tags : Pet Inn New Vetro Plus Nature Hamster Cage , Hamster Cage South Africa Comment 0 Comments
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